S2 BV2: Pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson

Synopsis Barnes & Noble:

Darley, the eldest daughter in the well-connected old money Stockton family, followed her heart, trading her job and her inheritance for motherhood but giving up far too much in the process; Sasha, a middle-class New England girl, has married into the Brooklyn Heights family, and finds herself cast as the arriviste outsider; and Georgiana, the baby of the family, has fallen in love with someone she can’t have, and must decide what kind of person she wants to be. 

Rife with the indulgent pleasures of life among New York’s one-percenters, Pineapple Street is a smart, escapist novel that sparkles with wit. Full of recognizable, loveable—if fallible—characters, it’s about the peculiar unknowability of someone else’s family, the miles between the haves and have-nots, and the insanity of first love—all wrapped in a story that is a sheer delight.

My review:
Sasha marries into a rich family and feels like an outcast because she didn’t have the same upbringing or money as the family. Her husband, Cord doesn’t see it as a big deal, the sisters are disrespectful and call her a gold digger, the mother condescends everything that she does. Sasha and her husband are currently living in the family home, and she wants to re decorate because its outdated, but whenever she wants to change something around the mother finds a reason why it can’t be done even though she keeps saying that she can. The sister still has all their junk from schools’ days and refuses to clean out their room no matter how many times Sasha has asked.

Everyone turns to Sasha when shit starts to hit the fan even though it wasn’t intentional, Darley husband loses his job, Georgina is having an affair with a married man and then he dies in a plane crash, Tilda, the mother hates confrontation and tried to avoid it at any cost, Cord is oblivious to everything and just wants everybody to get along. What is the worst that can happen when Sasha finally decides enough is enough and tell the Stockton family what is really on her mind?